Resetting Kicksecure: A Factory Reset Guide

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Guidelines on how to reset Kicksecure to its original settings. Learn how to restore configuration files to defaults, re-install meta-packages, and revert the system closer to vendor defaults.

For those looking to revert their system to its initial state, a term often used is factory reset.[1] Two primary methods are available:

  • A) Re-installation Approach: For a thorough reset, delete Kicksecure (or for VM users: simply remove the desired VMs) and then install the latest stable version of Kicksecure. This approach is more thorough and will revert the system closer to vendor defaults. Do note, this means important user data needs to be backed up and migrated if necessary. For more insights, refer to Update vs Image Re-Installation.
  • B) Settings Reset Approach: This approach strives to restore settings to vendor defaults to the best extent possible. However, it's not flawless and might not undo all user modifications or address all issues.

See Also[edit]


  1. Within the context of Kicksecure, the term factory reset isn't entirely accurate, since, as of this writing, the platform pertains solely to software and isn't tied to hardware. Technically, there are no "factory defaults". Yet, the phrase vendor settings reset might be less intuitive, whereas factory reset is more universally understood and has a more familiar feel.

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