Post-installation Security Advice

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This page provides security advice, steps that can be applied after installation of Kicksecure for better security.


Kicksecure comes with many security Kicksecure is Security Hardened by default and also provides extensive Documentation including a System Hardening Checklist. The more you know, the safer you can be.

This page provides security advice, including steps that can be applied after installation of Kicksecure for better security.

On Kicksecure[edit]

Increase Virtual Machine RAM[edit]

If using a Kicksecure VM...

Kicksecure default password info box Kicksecure for Qubes users can skip this section. [1]

If enough host RAM is available, ideally the virtual RAM setting of Kicksecure should be increased to 2048 MB RAM. [2] If it is infeasible to increase the virtual RAM setting, Kicksecure will still function properly. [3]

If it is unknown how much RAM is available, follow these steps on the host: [4] [5] [6]

  • Windows 10: Task Manager in More details viewClick/tap on the Performance tabClick/tap on Memory; or Open a command promptRun wmic MemoryChip get /format:list
  • macOS: Apple menuAbout This Mac
  • Linux: Open a terminalRun free -h [7]



  1. To add RAM in VirtualBox the VM must first be powered down.
  2. Virtual machineMenuSettingsAdjust Memory sliderHit: OK


1. Shutdown the virtual machine(s).

virsh -c qemu:///system shutdown <vm_name>

2. Increase the maximum memory.

virsh setmaxmem <vm_name> <memsize> --config

3. Set the actual memory.

virsh setmem <vm_name> <memsize> --config

4. Restart the virtual machine(s).

virsh -c qemu:///system start <vm_name>

Change Keyboard Layout[edit]

KicksecureChange Keyboard Layout info box Kicksecure-Qubes users can skip this section. [8]

If you are using a keyboard layout other than qwerty (US), consider changing the keyboard layout. Refer to the dedicated Keyboard Layout entry for further details.

Test Keyboard Layout[edit]

KicksecureTest Keyboard Layout info box Kicksecure-Qubes users can skip this section.

  • Start menuAccessoriesMousepad; or
  • Open file ~/testfile in a text editor of your choice as a regular, non-root user.

If you are using a graphical environment, run. mousepad ~/testfile

If you are using a terminal, run. nano ~/testfile

Try typing the words user, changeme and qwerty. Try typing further words to ensure the desired keyboard layout is functional.

Change Password[edit]

Kicksecure default password info box Kicksecure-Qubes users can skip this section. [9] [10]

The user can set or change the password for the user user account in Kicksecure, if this is useful for the user's threat model based on this default passwords information.

1. Change Keyboard Layout if necessary.

2. Review Test Keyboard Layout before proceeding further.

3. Open a terminal (such as Xfce Terminal Emulator).

Start menuApplicationsSystemTerminal

4. Run a test command as root by using sudo.

Run. [11]

sudo systemd-detect-virt

5. Read the note below regarding the username and password.

Kicksecure default admin password is: No password required. (Passwordless login.)

  • Default username: user
  • Default password: No password required. (Passwordless login.) [12]

6. Read the note below regarding the password change procedure.

When typing the password it will not appear on the screen, nor will the asterisk sign (*) be visible. It is necessary to type blindly and trust the procedure.

7. Change the user (and sudo) password.

  • To change the user (Kicksecure default user account) password, run the following command. [11]
  • This will also be the password when running sudo from Linux user account user. [13]
  • Using [14]

sudo pwchange

pwchange will prompt.

What user's password do you want to change?

Type user and then press <Enter>.

8. Root password.

No changes required. Optional, for details, see root account in Kicksecure.

9. Done.

The procedure of changing passwords is complete.

If issues appear when gaining root, consider using dsudo.

Another option is to boot into recovery mode and change passwords there.

Security Updates[edit]

Regularly check for security updates and apply them in a timely fashion; see Operating System Updates.


How do I Check the Current Kicksecure Version?[edit]

See /etc/*_version.

Open a terminal.

If you are using Kicksecure inside Qubes, complete the following steps.

Qubes App Launcher (blue/grey "Q")Kicksecure ProxyVM (commonly named kicksecure)Xfce Terminal

If you are using a graphical Whonix with Xfce, run.

Start MenuXfce Terminal

cat /etc/*_version

Should show.


The first line shows the version of the major and minor version of Debian. The second line shows the version of the derivative (Kicksecure).


  1. Qubes has dynamic RAM assignment.
  2. This provides higher performance during upgrades and lowers the likelihood of
  3. Although non-ideal, will create an encrypted swap file and the system is configured to swap as little as
  7. This command works in Red Hat, CentOS, Suse, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian and other distributions. Alternative commands include: cat /proc/meminfo |grep MemTotal, top, and vmstat -s.
  8. By default, Qubes VMs use the same keyboard layout as Qubes dom0.
  9. By default, Qubes does not require a password for superuser access.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Type the command in the terminal and press <Enter>.
  12. Rationale for Change from Default Password changeme to Empty Default Password The Web Archive Onion Version

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